
Showing posts from June, 2018

Fun method of becoming president

6/15/18 709am Fun and productive way of running for president (fun and productive means you do something that is st the same time fun and also improves you on net, following the thinking of many others e.g. martin seligman, Steve pavlina, Aaron burr (!), etc. Most people I think would find running for president unpleasant. I’ll imagine a Strategy that fits the average person as I imagine him or her. So fun stuff that would help the average person run for president would be reading up on presidential topics which is just about anything. Read about topics you enjoy. Skip what is boring or incomprehensible (following nassim taleb’s study approach,and Scott Adams advice about learning more about news, etc probably). It also seems like most people don’t like to argue, which seems like a big part of politics. Since the arguing might negate the fun of politics for the average person they might aim to avoid arguing. That would mean not doing debates or talking with confrontationa